Thursday, March 24, 2011

Scenario - Exhausted Supplies

Exhausted Supplies scenario map
An extended campaign has left both armies low on much needed supplies. Can you still win the fight without these basic necessities?

Setup & Deployment:
Standard 10" deployment, unless you agree to use something different.

Special Rules:
  • Supply Line - After deployment but before the first turn, each player rolls 1D6 to see what problem affects his or her forces.
    • 1-2 Ammo. Roll 1D6 after a model or unit makes an attack using a ranged weapon. On a result of 1 or 2, that model or unit is out of ammo for the rest of the battle and cannot make attacks using ranged weapons.
    • 3-4 Food. Roll 1D6 for each non-warcaster, non-warlock, non-warjack model or unit at the beginning of its activation. On a roll of 1 or 2 that model or unit suffers from the effects of starvation and receives a -2 penalty to SPD and MAT for one round.
    • 5 Fuel. Roll 1D6 for each warjack at the beginning of its activation. On a 1 or 2, the warjack halves its SPD for the rest of the battle.
    • 6 Parts. Roll 1D6 for each warjack at the beginning of its activation. On a rolld of 1 or 2, the warjack takes 1 damage to a non-hull system (roll for damage location as normal).
Ending the Game:
Wacaster/warlock assassination (or use in conjunction with another scenario).

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