
This page focuses on individual models and units, showcasing them with special pictures or videos.

Base, Body and Beyond
This video series highlights the model itself, its in-game abilities, and its strengths and weaknesses.
Iron Lich Asphyxious
Revenant Crew of the Atramentous

Galleries (under construction)
For our more "professional" pictures, we're going to try hosting on deviantArt. You can view those galleries here.
Legion of Everblight
Mercenaries and Minions

Damon - Retribution of Scyrah

Big Drew - Khador
Widowmakers painted by ShawnDoomreavers painted by Shawn

Little Drew - Skorne

Jake - Protectorate of Menoth
Deliverer Sunburst Crew painted by Jesse
Avatar painted by Shawn
Deliverers painted by JesseChoir painted by Jesse

Jesse - Cryx

Roy - Circle of Orboros

Shawn - Searforge Commission & Legion of Everblight
Grotesques painted by Shawn

Blasters painted by Shawn

Driller 3 painted by Shawn

Rockwall spell by Shawn

Hammerfall old paint scheme Standard Bearer painted by Shawn

Horgenhold unit painted by Shawn

Ogrun Bokur conversions by Shawn

Shredders painted by Shawn

Brun & Lug painted by Shawn

Durgen Madhammer painted by Shawn

Gunners painted by Shawn

Herne and Jonne painted by Shawn

Multijack Driller painted by Shawn

Lord Rockbottom conversion by Shawn

Basher painted by Shawn

Driller 2 painted by Shawn

Gorten Grundback painted by Shawn

Hammerfall Officer painted by Shawn

Horgenhold Unit Leader painted by Shawn

Multijack Rockram painted by Shawn

Thor Steinhammer painted by Shawn

Steve - Skorne

Tammy - Cygnar